Frequently asked questions
Where are you located?
We are located in the heart of Silicon Valley at 3424 De La Cruz Boulevard, Santa Clara, 95054.
What kinds of machines do you use?
We utilize only the highest quality machines, including the following: 12 Haas VF4-SS, 2 Haas VF6-SS, 1 Haas ST20, 2 Haas ST10Y, 1 Matsuura 800VG, 1 Matsuura 510VG
How much does a typical project cost?
Each project is priced according to the needs of the customer
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. We would be happy to produce a quote for you. Please send us an email at
What files can we send to Krisco?
We recommend drawings in PDF format. However, we also accept solid models in IGS and STEP file format.
Can you help me design my product?
Yes, our engineering staff is here to help with designing and reengineering your product to your specifications.
What industries do you serve?
Our customers are from across the globe and represent various industries such as the semiconductor industry, medical industry, solar industry and automotive industry, just to name a few.
What is your lead time?
Our turnaround time for projects depend on the complexity and material needed. However, our typical lead time is 1-2 weeks.
How large of parts can you machine?
We can produce parts up to 30’ x 32’ x 64’ (762 X 813 X 1626 mm)
What is the best way to contact you?
We pride ourselves on delivering the best customer service, and are here to serve you. Please feel free to call us at (408) 986-1290, Monday through Friday, from 8am-5pm, PST, or, alternatively, you can email us at at any time, and one of our representatives will respond to your inquiries as soon as possible.